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Analytics & Insights Consultant

Hi! I'm Felipe Reyes

I'm an independent data analytics and insights consultant. I get the story behind the data. 

Available by the hour.

With no minimums or retainers. 

Only $130 per hour.

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Get the Story

Behind the Data


Have you ever received a report from a data analyst only to see lots of charts but no insights?

There’s a reason for that, analysts are analytical but they sometimes lack creativity.  Creative thinking is a key skill in data science, allowing you to connect the dots and glean the insights from data. But using both sides of the brain is not that common.


If you are ready to go beyond colorful charts and want the story behind the data, with actionable insights, I can help.


For over 20 years I’ve been analyzing data and finding the story behind the numbers. I have a unique experience where my BFA and MBA combine into a very powerful skillset.


Now, as part of my portfolio career, I’m providing other organizations with this unique skillset at a very affordable price.

Start with a Baseline Insight Report

A Baseline Insight Report can confirm what you know and uncover what you don’t know.

Root Cause Analysis of Your Data

Research begets research. Ask "WHY" enough times and the truth comes out. 

Get Insights to Ask Qualified Questions

The story inside the data will help you ask qualified questions. Leading to more insights.

Provide Guidance

Get insights to interact with your teams: Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Operations.


Getting to the Pivotal Question

The reason to conduct a baseline analysis is to get to the Pivotal Question.


This is a question that provides a new perspective, may challenge commonly held beliefs, and can provide a new strategic direction for the organization.


Answering some basic questions can get you started.

  • Who are the most engaged customers?

  • Who were the biggest customer losses last year?

  • Who are the most profitable customers?

  • What are the most profitable products?

  • What is the attainable market size?

Since research begets research, answering these questions will lead to better, more focused questions, and ultimately to the Pivotal Question. 


"Felipe is a strategic thinker with a tremendous amount of both mid-term and long-term vision that is highly applicable to the industry that he is within. One of Felipe's most valuable traits is that he takes the time to vet his assumptions against reality and acts accordingly. What he does that takes him beyond his peers is he is able to identify the break in the existing planning and strategy to find root issues and change course in an appropriate and right-sized manner."

Sagar Deo

Marketing Director, Kemper

Reyes Consulting


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Felipe Reyes is an adept independent consultant in the realm of data analytics and insights. Leveraging a unique blend of analytical prowess and narrative dexterity, he goes beyond mere figures to present baseline reports that encapsulate the profound stories hidden behind the numbers. Felipe’s consultancy caters to businesses and individuals alike, aiming to make data more accessible, understandable, and actionable. Whether you're aiming to decode complex data trends or weave compelling narratives from your data.

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